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We welcome CVs from individuals interested in joining our staff who hold a minimum qualification of an MA, MSc, or 5 years contract experience in a bioarchaeology related field. If you are interested in joining our team, please send a cover letter and your CV to, where it will be filed until a staff position opens.

Please note, we do not discriminate based on sex, gender, disability, sexual orientation, or religion. 


We welcome queries from bonafide researchers in the fields of bioarchaeology, anthropology, palaeopathology, and archaeology. Researchers must be affiliated with a museum, educational, archaeological, or research institutions. Students wishing to undertake research with our project, you must include a letter from your supervisor, and all applicants must include a proposal as well as an ethical statement if you wish to perform any destructive analyses. Please click here, or the above image to download the form.

Our Internship Program is open to any student who has successfully* completed one whole field season with us. Our interns will be required to be in the UK up to a week before the field season and must be able to remain with staff for up to a week after. Internship forms are only available to previous students and may be found by clicking here. Prospective interns must email their completed application to no later than January 19, 2024.


If you wish to apply as a student or volunteer to the current project field season, please download and fill out the application by clicking the image above, or by going to the current project application page. Applications should be sent to Applications will be accepted until all spaces are filled. Academic credit is available at no additional cost, pending approval from your home institution.

© 2012 by Transylvania Bioarchaeology 


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